CAGD445 – Week 4

I unfortunately had a stomach flu this past Friday, so I did not come to class. As for the work I did, I basically played around in Maya attempting to break the rigs to see how far they can be pushed. We are using the David O’Reiley rigs; primarily the Cute_Bear rig, Father rig, and Ralph rig. Cute Bear will be our defendant, Father rig will be our prosecutor, and Ralph will be our judge.

Last Monday we got together and as a group picked these rigs to use after trying all the rigs David O’Reiley has available. We picked Ralph because he has extensive mouth movements – needed because the Judge will be speaking throughout the whole animation. The bear because he’s cute but can also look creepy with his dead stare and smile, and the father because he can wear a suit, making him look like how a prosecutor would look. Plus the father rig can look rather smug, a facial expression that we wanted the prosecutor character to convey.

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